Cone Beam Reporting & Decision Support Software

A report generating software with decision support tools allowing you to produce an expert document without missing important findings.


About Us

Cone Beam reporting software for all dental practices

EasyRiter® generates CBCT radiology reports. And, unlike other reporting systems, EasyRiter® is also a decision support tool. If the dentist is unsure about a finding, “pop-up” hyperlinks reveal examples and descriptions of anomalies and/or pathologic lesions.

The citations describing the findings will be embedded in the report including their sources. If a finding requires a recommendation or referral to a medical or dental specialist, that recommendation can also be selected from a list before the report is generated.

What Our Clients Say

“EasyRiter software is as important to my practice as Dentrix. It is essential when I read CBCT xrays, and helps me communicate to my patients and other practitioners”.

Dr. Mary Ellen Chalmers DDS
Santa Rosa, CA